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Version History




Version Summary

Version 4.70


M. Henneberger

Added unsubscribe info to footers.

Cleaned up historical documents page again.

Version 4.60


M. Henneberger

Significant changes to alumni verification related pages to improve logging and make page accesses after entering proper verfication codes ensure that roles and databases have properly been updated before redirecting the user to their alumni profile page

Version 4.54


M. Henneberger

Added item pages for historical documents (books-sources) to create a nr-ha web page address for all documents.  The new pages make the url available to copy.

Version 4.53


M Henneberger

Refix paging on Documents page - wix keeps auto resetting the formatting.  This page will need to get manually redone to avoid using wix dynamic formatting.

Version 4.52


M Henneberger

Minor tweeks to Documents page

Version 4.50


M. Henneberger

1. Modified the backend code for checkIfValidatedAlumni() to check role-based permissions AND also check that already on list of verified alumni.  Previously just checked role-based permissions.

2. Eliminated Interview stories and integrated in to a new sea stories page and data base.  Updated all the applicable links.  This page is for NR verified alumni only.

Version 4.49


M Henneberger

1. Split the 2 section Alumni Only (main for verified alumni and 2nd for checking credetials) page into two pages.

1st page is landing and checks credentials.  If verified alumni sends user to the verifiedalumni page if not sends to the warning page for action.

2. Added a VERIFIED ALUMNI ONLY" statement on the historical document repeater so users know that an item is restricted.

Version 4.47


M Henneberger

Some minor fixes

Version 4.46


M. Henneberger

Changed HOME page to provide link to custom ChatGPT NR-HA Analyst

Version 4.44


M. Henneberger

Security Change to reset & randomize validationCode after verifying a member.  This wasn't done before to allow verified members to associate multiple emails with their alumni record.  Now verified members will need to request a new verification code as the old one will be expired.  The advantage of this approach is that all verification codes can be reset periodically with no adverse effects. 

Version 4.42


M. Henneberger

Added a "checking Credentials" screen to the alumni menu page - screen (actually section) is shown after the user is confirmed to be a verified alumni.

Version 4.41


M. Henneberger

minor fixes to timeline searches - fixed filter 1 & 2 links in pull down and fixed pull down call in front end code. 

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The Naval Reactors Historical Association (NR-HA) is a private, self-supporting, IRC 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-federal entity.  NR-HA supports the U.S. military, its veterans, as well as past and present federal employees that worked at Naval Reactors; however, it is not officially connected to or endorsed by the U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of Defense, or any of their branches or departments including Naval Reactors.

This site is not considered subject to DOD prepublication review.  See for additional information in this regard.

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Version 4.82
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